The Rise of Dashboards: Applications and Tools

Ousman Mahmud
Feb 20, 2022

The pandemic has led to the ubiquity of dashboards. The applications of dashboards include COVID-19 data visualization, clinical trial analytics, project management, business intelligence, organization of 2020 George Floyd related racial protests and many others. Many organizations from CROs, HealthTech, fintech, federal agencies, state governments, hospitals, insurance companies, biotech, and pharmaceutical companies are getting onboard because visualizations are appealing to the eyes and easier to digest.

I have experience with many dashboard tools, some of which has many other uses:

I can help with visualization of your data via dashboards to surface insights. Please reach out.



Ousman Mahmud

I’m a Scientist that writes about healthcare, informatics, thriving in grad school, The Gambia 🇬🇲 and success strategies picked up along my journey.